Muang Thong Thani’s Revenge
After a perilous journey above parts of Nonthaburi and Pakkret, the Pink Line elevated train managed to deliver me at Muang Thong Thani...

Play That Vinyl Disc One More Time
A musical interlude that became a Shakespearean tale of epic proportions, interspaced with critical comments by the Dishonorable Edward...

7. Riding The Rails: Vang Vieng
From a quartet we’d been reduced to a trio, not that mattered much as we all had traveled in various combinations before with usually the...

5. Riding The Rails: Muang Xai
We left the station and while walking to the tuk-tuk stand, Tim asked which hotel we were supposed to go to. Good question, I’d sent a...

2. Riding The Rails: Crossing the Border
Hours later our train arrived in Khon Kaen where Tim and Ray joined us, although they stayed in a 3rd class carriage as Tim is not...