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A Magic brew

After traveling for miles on my faithful 2-wheeled contraption through uncharted territories I was getting seriously dehydrated as the tropical heat increased steadily.

Luckily I was about to enter a semi-civilized area with locals selling exotic wares.

Soon I noticed an unusual mobile stand offering some strange drinks.

It was manned by a not-too-dangerous-looking individual who eyed me suspiciously.

Part of his face was masked which seemed fashionable in these parts but to me seemed just strange and worrisome.

Since I spoke a little bit of the local dialect I managed to convey that indeed I was interested in buying a hot drink.

That changed his attitude a bit, but whether this was a good sign remained to be seen, to me he seemed more like a warlock than anything else…

He began pouring a black liquid through what looked suspiciously like an old sock and repeated this several times, all the while mumbling sinister-sounding incantations…

Finally, this part of the process was finished and he moved on by adding little amounts of other stuff, including a sickly sticky white syrup.

By now I was getting seriously worried but it was too late to cancel this affair as doing so might enrage him with fatal consequences.

The last part involved him pouring the contents into a paper container and stirring it vigorously.

Satisfied at last he handed over the result to me…

I silently prayed to the Old Ones to protect me and took hesitantly a sip.

To my surprise it tasted not bad at all, reasonably hot, not too sweet and I felt my spirits reviving!

A quick check of my skin didn’t reveal any rashes or unclean spirits moving under my skin which was another positive sign.

I thanked him profusely and handed over a few coins he deemed adequate payment.

He mumbled a blessing (or a curse) as I climbed on my vehicle of choice feeling the warlock’s brew coursing through my veins and continued my journey through this ancient land.

Sign of the times, nowadays even street vendors use QR codes!


Cafe Boran as this old-style Thai coffee is called might not be to everyone's taste but is worth a try!

On a different note, for JOKONKY music blog I made the above 80-minute coffee-inspired compilation, check it out!

2 comentarios

ray storey
ray storey
24 dic 2024

If you felt dehydrated, KK, then a bottle of Leo would have been a better choice. I like my coffee black and with no add-ins. I like your writing style here.

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jon der
jon der
23 dic 2024

You know, Koen, I've always felt that COFFEE is about embracing your individuality, sexuality, or imperfections. Don't fear them, just drink them in. There you go. That wasn't so bad, was it?

I was going to send you a Sabrina Carpenter CD for Christmas, but Amazon went on strike and I realized that you probably have it already. Happy Holidays!

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